Tales from the Hill's Country

Quips, stories and observations from our adventures in marriage and parenting (as told by Katie).

Thursday, March 31, 2011

On the Slopes

The meatpies were life-changing and hanging out with our friends was a blast... but we went to Breckenridge for one thing:
To ski!
Or snowboard (that's Danton).
Or try to snowboard... (that's Casey).

The last time I'd gone skiing I pretty much stayed on the green and blue slopes, and figured I'd do the same this trip. But I was amazed at how easily I was able to ski the harder slopes and even went up the t-bar to ski one of the black slopes in the bowl at the top of the mountain! Here's the t-bar and run from a second peak:
And here I am before the ledge... trying not to shake from fear!
Stepping off the ledge was the hardest part... it was smooth sailing from there! I was so excited!!

On the way back down the mountain I met up with K-Dog,
(He's the speck in the middle of the photo.)

And then we met up with the rest of the gang (including Chris!):
And I finally got my couple photo on the mountain!
Check out the plastic bag on Chris' hand... he went snowboarding with his broken thumb! (This is after he had seen the Breckenridge doctor.) I was so afraid he'd fall and break his other hand! The rest of the afternoon I skied right behind Chris and every time he stumbled I zipped right up to him to make sure he was ok! It was the most nerve racking afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all have a good time !!!
    Sorry Chris & Laura had injuries.
