Tales from the Hill's Country

Quips, stories and observations from our adventures in marriage and parenting (as told by Katie).

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back to Normal?

You might have noticed I haven't put up a blog in a while (hi, mom!) or you might not have missed us at all (hi, everyone else!). Either way-- sorry for the delay!

Two weeks ago Chris, his brother, his brother's wife, his niece, his sister, his sister's husband, his other niece, his dad and his cousin and Bradley and I flew (SIX HOURS) to Anchorage, Alaska to see Chris' cousin, her husband, her boy, her bonus boy and to meet up with Chris' Uncle, his wife and his daughter. Did I miss anyone?? Whew!

By the numbers that's 10 family members on a 6 hour flight (three of whom are under 2) and 18 family members in a house for a week (THANK YOU to our hostess, Alison!!).

Add to that a three hour time difference and the fact that the sun doesn't go down in Alaska in the summer... well let's just say it's taken me a few days (weeks?) to get back to normal. And poor little Bradley is still major league confused! When we got home he slept for sixteen hours-- until 11am-- TWICE! Add an ear infection, a sleepy (yet stubborn) baby at bedtime and some epic meltdowns... so yes, my blogging has been lacking. Sorry.

Here are a few highlights to hold you over before the real recaps begin:

There was a lot of baby carrying for my little crawler (he LOVED the all-day snuggles!)
We saw some AMAZING scenery (here's a glacier):
And here I am hiking to that glacier, with my little hiking buddy:
Bradley loved seeing all sorts of things that he couldn't see in Houston (check out those mountains!):
And we all took some photos with John's moose antlers:
There are many more photos and stories... so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww so glad ya'll had a blast and got to see the wonders of Alaska!
